Thursday, October 10, 2019


Menorrhagia  is also known as Heavy menstrual bleeding, , is a menstrual period with excessively heavy flow and falls under the larger category of abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB).
Abnormal uterine bleeding can be caused by structural abnormalities in the reproductive tract, anovulation, bleeding disorders, hormone issues (such as hypothyroidism) or cancer of the reproductive tract. 
Treatment depends on the cause, severity, and interference with quality of life. Initial treatment often involve contraceptive pills. Surgery can be an effective second line treatment for those women whose symptoms are not well-controlled. Approximately 53 in 1000 women are affected by AUB.

A normal menstrual cycle is 21–35 days in duration, with bleeding lasting an average of 5 days and total blood flow between 25 and 80 ml. Heavy menstrual bleeding is defined as total menstrual flow >80ml per cycle. Deviations in terms of frequency of menses, duration of menses, or volume of menses qualifies as abnormal uterine bleeding. Bleeding in between menses is also abnormal uterine bleeding and thus requires further evaluation.

Complications of heavy menstrual bleeding could also be the initial symptoms. Excessive bleeding can lead to anemia which presents as fatigue, shortness of breath, and weakness. Anemia can be diagnosed with a blood test.
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